Saturday, April 28, 2012

Customs with Sophie & Daphne & Kelly & Sally

Just wrapped up filming two custom videos with Sophie, Daphne, Kelly & Sally. I'll post up some pics as the editing starts!

First up we have a custom video with Kelly, Sophie, and Sally titled "Sexy Bouncers" it focuses on jeans/booty shorts and leg scissor holds.

And now the shots from "Diamonds" which stars Daphne & Sophie

Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Nosy Reporter

Just wrapped up editing our latest custom video featuring Daphne & Hannah titled "The Nosy Reporter"
Lots of lift & carry, chloro, limb play.
Great performances by the girls!

Check out the trailer here

or here

Monday, April 9, 2012

Customs with Emma

Emma was here shooting with us on her first custom videos! We had her in a neckbrace custom and a choke hold girl fight video! She did amazing! Here are some vidcaps.